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【Let’s talk wellness 】- Be more sensitive to Mental Wellness

Belun Technology - October 11, 2022 - 0 comments

October is World Mental Health Month, and the aim is to help raise public awareness of mental health and well-being.

How does sleep relate to mental health?[1]

Sleep and mental health are closely related to each other. While lack of sleep affects your mental health, mental health disorder makes it harder to sleep well. In this negative feedback cycle, poor sleep may lead to mental health problems. In 2019, 1 in 8 people worldwide[2] suffered from a mental disorder, and it is estimated that 75% of patients with depression show symptoms of insomnia[3].


Obstructive sleep apnoea is a common sleep disorder affecting around 1 billion people worldwide [4]. It is a sleep disorder caused by repetitive collapse of airways, causing a reduction of oxygen level and disturbing sleep. Patients with OSA have a higher risk of developing and worsening mental health disorders. A study demonstrated that compared with those without OSA, patients with OSA are 3 times more likely to have depression and anxiety[5].


Further Reading: People with Insomnia



[1] Suni, Eric. “Mental health and sleep”, Mental Health and Sleep,

[2] “Mental disorders”, World Health Organization,

[3] “Depression and Sleep: Understanding the Connection”, Johns Hopkins Medicine,

[4] Benjafield, Adam V et al. “Estimation of the Global Prevalence and Burden of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea: A Literature-Based Analysis.” The Lancet respiratory medicine 7.8 (2019): 687–698

[5] Kaufmann, Christopher N., Ryoko Susukida, and Colin A. Depp. “Sleep Apnea, Psychopathology, and Mental Health Care.” Sleep health 3.4 (2017): 244–249 Sleep apnea, psychopathology, and mental health care – PMC (